Imbestigador (lit. Investigator) is a Philippine television investigative docudrama show broadcast by GMA Network. Hosted by Mike Enriquez, it premiered on August 2, 2000. It tackles anomalies and inconsistencies in the Philippine government. It also criticizes the corruption in the Philippine society, from overpriced items to arms smuggling, covering a wide variety of topics that sometimes include Filipino traditions and beliefs. It is a public service show that aims to inform the people of the current problems troubling the Philippines. It originally aired during Wednesdays from 2000 to 2001. at 11:00 pm, then it moved to Saturdays from 2001 to 2012. from 2012 to 2014. Imbestigador aired every Sunday at 9:15 pm, (PHT) after Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho, in observance of the show's 12th anniversary. in July 19, 2014, Imbestigador returned to Saturday afternoons, Since 2016, it now airs on Saturdays at 5:00 p.m. The show on January 1, 2012 has "caught-up" on GMA Pinoy TV and is no longer one-week delayed due to the show being pre-empted on December 31, 2011 in lieu of "Trending 2011: The GMA News and Public Affairs Yearend Special", which was also hosted by Mike Enriquez with Dingdong Dantes.
Imbestigador Part 1
Imbestigador Part 2
Imbestigador Part 3
Imbestigador Part 4
Imbestigador Part 5
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