It's Showtime (formerly known as Showtime and Magpasikat) is a Philippine noontime variety show that premiered on October 24, 2009, on ABS-CBN. The show broadcasts from the ABS-CBN Studios at the ABS-CBN Broadcasting Center in Quezon City. The show airs Weekdays from 12:15 pm to 3:30 pm, and Saturdays from 12:00 pm to 3:15 pm, The show also broadcast worldwide through TFC or known as The Filipino Channel. It's Showtime is the second live entertainment program in the Philippines to be broadcast in high-definition, after ASAP, sports programs and various shows. It's Showtime also belongs to ABS-CBN's elite list of longest running daily noontime variety shows that aired for five years or more, after Student Canteen (1958–1965), Kalatog Pinggan (1987–1989), Eat Bulaga! (1989–1995), 'Sang Linggo nAPO Sila (They Are Now On All Week) (1995–1998), MTB (1998–2005) and Wowowee (2005–2010).
It's Showtime July 3, 2018
Watch Free It's Showtime July 3, 2018 Full Replay
It's Showtime (formerly known as Showtime and Magpasikat) is a Philippine noontime variety show that premiered on October 24, 2009, on ABS-CBN. The show broadcasts from the ABS-CBN Studios at the ABS-CBN Broadcasting Center in Quezon City. The show airs Weekdays from 12:15 pm to 3:30 pm, and Saturdays from 12:00 pm to 3:15 pm, The show also broadcast worldwide through TFC or known as The Filipino Channel. It's Showtime is the second live entertainment program in the Philippines to be broadcast in high-definition, after ASAP, sports programs and various shows. It's Showtime also belongs to ABS-CBN's elite list of longest running daily noontime variety shows that aired for five years or more, after Student Canteen (1958–1965), Kalatog Pinggan (1987–1989), Eat Bulaga! (1989–1995), 'Sang Linggo nAPO Sila (They Are Now On All Week) (1995–1998), MTB (1998–2005) and Wowowee (2005–2010).
It's Showtime (formerly known as Showtime and Magpasikat) is a Philippine noontime variety show that premiered on October 24, 2009, on ABS-CBN. The show broadcasts from the ABS-CBN Studios at the ABS-CBN Broadcasting Center in Quezon City. The show airs Weekdays from 12:15 pm to 3:30 pm, and Saturdays from 12:00 pm to 3:15 pm, The show also broadcast worldwide through TFC or known as The Filipino Channel. It's Showtime is the second live entertainment program in the Philippines to be broadcast in high-definition, after ASAP, sports programs and various shows. It's Showtime also belongs to ABS-CBN's elite list of longest running daily noontime variety shows that aired for five years or more, after Student Canteen (1958–1965), Kalatog Pinggan (1987–1989), Eat Bulaga! (1989–1995), 'Sang Linggo nAPO Sila (They Are Now On All Week) (1995–1998), MTB (1998–2005) and Wowowee (2005–2010).
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