Wish Ko Lang! (lit. Just My Wish!) is a Philippine drama anthology and public service show broadcast by GMA Network. Hosted by Bernadette Sembrano, it premiered on June 29, 2002. Vicky Morales started hosting after Sembrano left the show.[2] In 2014, the program was reformatted as a drama anthology.
Wish Ko Lang July 7, 2018
Watch Free Wish Ko Lang July 7, 2018 Full Replay
Wish Ko Lang! (lit. Just My Wish!) is a Philippine drama anthology and public service show broadcast by GMA Network. Hosted by Bernadette Sembrano, it premiered on June 29, 2002. Vicky Morales started hosting after Sembrano left the show.[2] In 2014, the program was reformatted as a drama anthology.
Wish Ko Lang! (lit. Just My Wish!) is a Philippine drama anthology and public service show broadcast by GMA Network. Hosted by Bernadette Sembrano, it premiered on June 29, 2002. Vicky Morales started hosting after Sembrano left the show.[2] In 2014, the program was reformatted as a drama anthology.
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