Wowowin is a Philippine television variety show broadcast by GMA Network. Hosted by Willie Revillame, it premiered on May 10, 2015 on the network's Sunday Grande sa Hapon line up and worldwide on GMA Pinoy TV. On May 16, 2016, it became a co-production with GMA Entertainment TV and moved to the network's Telebabad line up replacing GMA Blockbusters.
Wowowin July 10, 2018
Wowowin is a Philippine television variety show broadcast by GMA Network. Hosted by Willie Revillame, it premiered on May 10, 2015 on the network's Sunday Grande sa Hapon line up and worldwide on GMA Pinoy TV. On May 16, 2016, it became a co-production with GMA Entertainment TV and moved to the network's Telebabad line up replacing GMA Blockbusters.
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